Definitely my favourite season. March is tracking as it usually does (hot and dry), but the drop in night temperature is becoming noticeable, as are the seed heads readily forming on summer annuals. With the big autumn plant out in April fast approaching, it’s advisable to start prepping in advance now. As crops turn and finish, aerate, feed and mulch the soil. A month or so of rest before planting out again will go a long way.

Its a lovely month cosmically with a penumbral lunar eclipse kicking off the first eclipse season for ‘24 and the autumn equinox (Mabon). The autumn equinox marks the official shift towards decreasing light in the annual cycle and the slowing down of germination and growth. Mabon is the second of the harvest celebrations in the Wheel of the Year calendar. It’s a time for preserving and storing, giving thanks to the abundance of summer, preparing for the cool months ahead and the general slowing of pace in the natural rhythm.

As always, primary planting window dates and aspects follow the sidereal system (+ tropical aspects alongside the sidereal for new and full moon - purple symbols).

Happy gardening!