With regard to gardening at this time of the year, I find that February can sometimes be a struggle. The late summer switch between heat and humidity brings a wide range of issues to tired crops and plants that can be frustrating. The silver lining to this though is that it is the end of the season, and we can simply lift summer plants and crops that are stressed, diseased or dying back earlier than expected. This will prevent the spread of disease and also provide us with an opportunity to start doing spot soil amelioration in preparation for autumn.

For plants and crops that are doing well, it’s time to enjoy the harvest. This is reflected in the first Wheel of the Year observation for the Southern Hemisphere, Lughnasadh. Lughnasadh is the observance and celebration of ripening fruits, summer grains and of a bountiful harvest season before the upcoming shift towards the cooler seasons of the year.

Planting windows and cosmic dates for the month below. As always, all transits follow the sidereal system.

Happy harvest!