Moon Opposite Saturn

In biodynamic practice, the crucial factor that differentiates it from other agricultural practices, is its use of the biodynamic sprays and preparations. These can be either soil, atmospheric, or compost preparations. While you can use these during the descending moon period each month (which is roughly a two week period), when it comes to horn manure (500) and silica (501) in particular, to get peak results its best to spray out when the Moon is opposite Saturn.

Moon opposite Saturn icon in the 2023 Almanac

Moon opposite Saturn icon used throughout the 2023 Almanac

This opposition occurs once a month, as the moon and Saturn transit to opposite sides of the earth. Its through this polarity (and the alignment of the inner and outer planets), that the opposing energies combine forces and radiate back over the earth, creating a synergy and balance of lime-silica between planets, soil and plants. The moon and its calcium & water influence on plants maximises germination and growth. Saturn, and its silica influence on plants, maximises good structure and form, as well as the ripeness and flavour of crops.

Its ideal to spray out the horn manure preparation (BD500) on the evening of the Moon opposite Saturn, followed by horn silica (BD501) the morning after. When it comes to getting started with using the biodynamic preps, using BD500 & 501 is a great way to start. They’re readily available from reputable biodynamic organisations, easy to use (small amounts go a long way) and incorporating Moon opposite Saturn spray dates encourages even more rhythm to the monthly celestial program of planting, management, harvesting and maintenance. Not to mention thriving crops and very happy soil. Which is after all, the key to success.

Moon opposite Saturn in the January planting grid of the 2023 Almanac

Moon opposite Saturn is a new addition to the 2023 Almanac and all dates are listed on all the monthly planting grids and diary pages for the year.

Horn manure (500), Silica (501) & Equisetum (508)