2023 Almanac : Holistic Cultivation

‘When farming and gardening holistically, the focus is not the end point of harvest, but on the creation of a system that supports healthy life from the soil to the community and environment around it’

The holistic cultivation chapter in the almanac introduces the basic fundamentals of the key holistic agricultural frameworks of biodynamics, permaculture, regenerative ag and first nations agriculture (in particular biodynamics). These frameworks all have one thing in common which is to work with, to nurture and to give back to nature. Personally, I have never really understood the need to ‘definitively’ and only practice one of these frameworks and become exclusive or dogmatic about it (particularly here, permaculture and BD). There are so many wonderful concepts, strategies, tools and theories from all these frameworks that can and should (IMO) be used in harmony with one another. As mentioned above, the end goal here isn’t just about bumper harvests, but rather to work in collaboration with and in deference to, nature and to encourage and welcome others to do the same. While the almanac is a biodynamic resource, the more information and strategies we have on hand to enrich our holistic farming and gardening skills, the better.

The major changes and updates in this years holistic cultivation chapter are found in the biodynamic section. This year I have included information on the biodynamic sprays/preps and how and when to use them. This also ties in neatly with the new addition to the monthly planting grid, which is the inclusion of Moon opposite Saturn dates every month. More on this soon.

Another fundamental change and addition to not only the biodynamic section but to the entire almanac is that the 2023 edition (and beyond) uses sidereal time as opposed to the more commonly used tropical system. Sidereal time is found through the astronomical positions of the planets in relation to the fixed constellations. It also allows for the precession of the equinoxes - often making it more accurate. Throughout the almanac, this will mean that certain lunar transits through the constellations differ slightly from resources that use the tropical system. The sidereal system was used by Maria Thun and as this almanac follows her research, and strategies, switching over to the sidereal system was a logical change.

The recommended resources section has been updated to include plenty of new publications, alongside essential tomes for each category….

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